Sunday, October 31, 2004

heyheyhey! nana! when i first read your post i thought.. "COOL!! play MEDLY!!" hahah... so instead of a medley of songs it's a medley of play. oops.

anyway, here's one vote for meeting up in the hols!

Friday, October 29, 2004

Hello people! :)
grin. hows life people? exams coming and everything, hope everybody's coping well..
im not worried about my exams as the percentage is not that heavy, but more worried about my projects cos alot are due either this week or next week..
anyway, back to my original topic.
lets meet up during the hols [we have more or less synchronised hols this time round right?]..
one full day of fun or sth. grin.
any suggestions?
since in uni, we wont have to worry about what's coming up next sem [at least we dont right? i dont. grin.], we can play madly :)

so so. how?!?!
good luck to all for exams anyway :) grin.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Taken off from the [HwaChongOnLine] :

Years ago when some HCJC students wanted to start the official HCJC alumni, there was tremendous opposition coming from the BOD. It was after a long and gruelling fight, before the HCJC alumni was set up.

The same people who opposed the setting up of HCJC alumni could have been the very same group who were adamant about wiping the HCJC crest and name away. HCJC had 30 yrs, they argued about the 85 yrs of TCHS history. It will just be a never-ending downward spiral, should we continue on this path. Not forgetting, the people in power today, are TCHS old-timers... people who most probably were the ones who went through the 6 yr pre-u course in TCHS.

Yes, it is not fair for the entire HCJC name to disappear at the whims of a group of people. Then again, is anything fair in this world? Not everything can be seen in black and white, there are always grey areas, and many many different shades of grey. Whoever has the most power, will call the shots. It's a chinese thing, unfortunately.

And from another post

And regarding the school James mentioned....we asked them about the reason why they wanted to remove the crest, and they can't even answer properly. It just seem to us that they are so eager to wipe off everything. There is no reason why the crest cannot remain, even if the school's name changed, if the crest remains, every single ex-students and staff can still have something symbolic to relate the "new" school. By removing the crest, changing name, its as good as telling everybody to forget about all the 30 years of HwaChong JC....

Well... some food for thought perhaps. Yes I know we're probably not getting the full picture just reading from the newsgroup and from our friends still in HCJC, but its obvious that board is deadset against reversing their decision. We all know Mr Ang and his way of doing things very well... and i rather keep my comments on him private for fear of offending any fans out there.

Its one thing to change the name of the school... take away the badge and do anything u want just for your ego sake... but try taking away the memory of my school and the school 30 batches of hwachongians have loved and always loved and see what happens. Most of the teachers in HCJC are not happy to be in the school and its solely because of the "boss" and how he runs the place. Makes you wonder what sort of school we will see a few years down the road.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

i don haf any idea abt tht
kinda worried initially but it seemed tht they haf failed to reverse the change of names.. oh well.. set up a reputable society tht ex-hcjc pple can join then.. how can the sch be so mercenary... they don understand how impt the name of a sch to students.. and of all names, why on earth is gonna be termed hua qiao zhong xue.. might as well call us The Chinese High Institution already..
Pointless in joining the alumni, especially when the power is held by rich pple who can lavish money on the sch.. I suppose at the end of the day, the hwa chong apirit lives on in each of us.. even if the sch's name may change, the memories of the past are still kept alive in all of us..
I dunno how many of you have been following the issue in [HwaChongOnLine] newsgroup on the issues surrounding the change in name of hcjc to hci but its pretty depressing to hear how so much has happened over this last year. I was just wondering if anybody here has signed up to be a member of the alumni yet? In any case is there still a need to sign up since there wont be any more hcjc.

Saturday, October 09, 2004


i've learnt to appreciate how flat singapore is... its no joke trying to climb up and down mountains and ravines in full battle order.

on the brighter side rnr was fun :)
4 theme parks in 3 days, 2 night markets and 1 shopping district